Barbara Aliprantiss
Barbara Aliprantis
Storyteller, Canada Celebrates Folklore, Greece
Barbara Aliprantis, a nationally acclaimed Trilingual (English/Greek/American Sign Language) Storyteller was born in Greece, raised in Brooklyn, NY and is currently a resident of Natick, MA. Her awards include the 2018 Northeast Storytelling Brother Blue and Ruth Hill Award, a National Storytelling Network Oracle Award, and she was honored at New York City Hall “…for her commitment to sharing multicultural folklore and immigrants’ experiences for both hearing and non-hearing audiences around the country.” Barbara’s repertoire, described as an ethnographic kaleidoscope of folklore and wisdom tales from around the globe, includes stories about her Greek-American immigrant childhood that played out on the stoops and sidewalks of Brooklyn, NY. She holds a BA in Performing Arts from Empire State College (SUNY) with a concentration in Total Communication and Performance.